TV Shows - برامج /  01 March 2021
In 2020, UNDP and its partners continued to support the people of Yemen as they rebuild, stronger. Together we provided more than 6,000 small farmers, fishers, and livestock breeders with cash assistance, technical support, and COVID-19 information. A further 300,000 people participated in cash-for-work projects, providing them with critical income and supporting the rehabilitation and construction of critical infrastructure including roads, schools, flood walls and sanitation systems. 300,000 people also gained access to power after the installation 68 off-grid solar power systems in public facilities, schools, and health centres and over 500 Yemenis were trained in solar system installation and maintenance, ensuring a stable income for their families and the longevity of solar power infrastructure in Yemen. Over 2.2 million square meters of ordinance contaminated land was cleared in 199 districts across the country, to ensure a safer, brighter future for Yemen.- Thanks to UNDPYemen

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