TV Shows - برامج /  29 December 2024
With support from the World Bank’s IDA, UNDP and Yemen’s Social Fund for Development, Public Works Project and Small and Micro Enterprise Promotion Service are spearheading an area-based approach in Yemen where a combination of cash assistance programmes, asset-based community development initiatives, and access to economic opportunities are coherently supported to enhance food security and create sustainable livelihoods in Yemen. Through the Emergency Social Protection Enhancement and COVID-19 Response Project (ESPECRP) and the Food Security Response and Resilience Project (FSRRP), UNDP and its national partners are co-leveraging and harnessing their different capacities, resources, and multi-sectoral expertise to support joint and complementary interventions of nutrition-sensitive cash transfers and temporary employment, while also improving access to sustainable livelihoods and agricultural, key services, and economic opportunities for areas affected by hunger, malnutrition, and climate related shocks. The projects are in line with the World Bank’s integrated approach to improve food security and climate resilience for Yemenis.- Thanks to UNDPYemen

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