TV Shows - برامج /  05 June 2024
Welcome to Yemen, a land of ancient beauty and diversity. Here, amidst the rugged mountains and breathtaking coastlines, majestic nature unfolds in every direction. However, Yemen’s natural beauty is facing damage and disruption caused by natural disasters, including excessive flooding, as a result of climate change. At the same time, it is one of the most water scarce countries in the world. To preserve Yemen’s natural beauty, a new journey begins, focused on resilience and revival. As we embark on this journey of restoration, we can draw inspiration from the beauty that surrounds us. Let us stand as guardians of this land, entrusted with its care and preservation. For in our hands lies the power to revive crops, end desertification, and secure plentiful resources. Together, let's sow the seeds of change, nurturing our land back to life, ensuring a vibrant future for generations to come.- Thanks to UNDPYemen

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