News - أخبار /  15 April 2018
Arab heads of state discussed a wide range of issues from the wars in Yemen and Syria to Israel's role in the UN Security Council. But they were clear about what they will not be talking about. The air strikes by the US, UK and France in Syria are not on the agenda. Nor is the GCC crisis and the Saudi-led blockade on Qatar. US President Donald Trump's plan to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem topped the agenda. Yemen is also on the table, with the UAE and Saudi Arabia heavily involved in the war and the humanitarian crisis there. What can Arab leaders offer? And do these summits serve any purpose at all? Presenter: Richelle Carey Guests: Sami Nader, Director of the Levant Institute for Strategic Affairs Mkhaimer Abu Sada, Professor of Political Science at Al Azhar University in Gaza Hakim Al Masmari, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of the Yemen Post Subscribe to our channel Thanks to AlJazeeraEnglish

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