TV Shows - برامج /  08 March 2023
Haifa is one of many other Yemeni women supported and empowered by #ESPECRP to lead and run milk producer groups and collection points to improve the income and livelihoods of rural women and lift them from poverty. Her inspiring story gives hope to those women who strive for their families and communities to lead and enjoy better lives. Funded and supported by the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), the Emergency Social Protection Enhancement and COVID-19 Response Project (ESPECRP) aims to provide (a) nutrition-sensitive cash transfers; (b) temporary employment; and (c) increased access to basic services and economic opportunities for food-insecure populations affected by both COVID-19 and the on-going conflict and climate-related shocks, as well as to strengthen the capacity of national service delivery institutions.- Thanks to UNDPYemen

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