TV Shows - برامج /  05 September 2023
Inspiring Change, Creating Impact: Empowering Yemeni Youth through EU and Sweden Government Initiatives Discover how the European Union (EU) & Sweden Government partnership with UNDP, WFP , FAO, & ILO through ERRY III Joint Programme , is fostering positive change and making a lasting impact on the lives of Yemeni youth. This video showcases a range of initiatives: • UNDP's Local Governance and Social Cohesion • UNDP's Renewable Energy Initiatives • UNDP's Short-Term Employment Opportunities • FAO's Dairy Value Chain Enhancement • ILO's Apprenticeship Programme • WFP's Food Assistance Programme Join us on this journey of empowerment and progress as we highlight the incredible work being done to support Yemeni youth and create a brighter future for all- Thanks to UNDPYemen

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